Australia - May 2001


Simon's Wedding


One of the main reasons for going to Australia this time was for the wedding of Simon Thomas and Alexis Stockwell. Being best man, my job was to keep Simon occupied, and here's a selection of snaps from before and after the wedding.


What's a wedding without a bucks party. Simon and his mate Andrew had some trouble gaining entry to this pub (manager on the left) - but that's another story...

On the morning of Simon's wedding I took him flying to his (and my) favourite place, Yellow Patch on Curtis Island. It was here that he proposed to his bride. Many a fish have we caught here.

Just as the girls arrived, Simon, myself and Simon's brother Michael head into the chapel.


Alexis being walked in by her father.


The deed in progress.


Shortly after the ceremony we start to unwind.


Simon and Alexis have a go at the cake - with a can of XXXX Gold in the foreground.


Toward the end of the night Simon, Darren and myself strike up a version of "The Gambler".